Bâton de Pouvoir

Data sheet

Completion date: 2022
Medium: paper
Dimensions : 8,5 x 11’
Technique and materials: pastel, ink
Reproduction: none
Price : 420 $

Artist statement

Materially, the drawing represents a hand, drawn in black ink around its edge and in pastel in its center, holding a stick, illustrated in blue, red and black ink.

By orienting the drawing vertically, it is assumed that the character, standing, is holding the stick, leaning against it thanks to its support. In this representation, Power contributes to doing good, it helps a living being in need. For the horizontal orientation, we imagine the character holding the staff triumphantly in the air, in the air of victory after conquests and battles, which spread ashes and desolation through destruction: the Staff serves the purposes of evil.

Through fear, power can lead to dark results. 

Conquérir et combattre les méchants en éparpillant les cendres de la désolation en héritage au territoire saccagé… Pourquoi valoriser les super-héros et les combats tout comme notre politique coincée dans le cadre toxique des désirs de l’ego et de la division?

The pastel orange in the background represents the flames of ruin left by mischanneled power. For the possibilities of power are more a burden than a freedom, and so it destroys if desires guide its actions.

Being responsible for one's time, actions and behavior consistent with one's beliefs and feelings, one's conscience – hence the importance of a certain philosophical and spiritual practice – allows coherent creation, the fluid life that circulates and spread the energy. The blue pastel represents this state of using power: the consciousness force that creates and connects.

Thus, the Staff of Power illustrates the notion of power that we all possess. Fantastic, formidable, essential and tampered with, this power invokes the changes in all the sovereign frenzy that it imposes by the nature inherent in its implacable will for its use, which one wishes to be fair and reasonable.

We can clearly see the pastel in the center of the character's hand and arm, which demonstrates the intangible, creative and divine energy that lives in us all. This force, this creative power circulates and allows the transformation of our material and psychic world. Thus, even before the Stick exists the internal energy specific to each individual (the pastel varies according to the characteristic traits). Seven colors tint our character, corresponding to the seven main chakras.

The black ink surrounds the internal energy: the pulpit, the material body of the human, the external force has many complex patterns, whether it is the nervous system or the interaction of cells, hence the complexity of the paths inhabiting the carnal temple. Each finger has its shape, its history, its essence marked by the journeys of incarnation.

The Stick, an object external to the human, therefore external to its creative power even if it can contribute to it, has black ink, the mark of the human, its passage over the object, the blue, dreams of the ideas and the divine, as well as red ink, material manifestations of existence. From one pole to the other – from the divine to the material – there are complex diagrams which illustrate the energetic circulation of the Universe, or of God, and which act on the representation that Man has of it. In other words, the subjective belief or perception of a fact, material or divine, feeds an idea, and the idea in question manifests itself in one way or another to reassure the perception, confirming the belief of the subject. These perceptions of schemas – also schematized – result from different factors: education, culture, social and natural environment, physical and intellectual predispositions, etc.

Creative writing (French only!)

Je ne prospère que lorsque je libère

Une énergie étrangère circule dans mes artères

Je ramène le Pouvoir à la Terre

Sans le lui donner : Il circule, pleut et plaint l’abondance des lamentations

Aucune action ne le satisfait, car il craint le bonheur

L’erreur de penser qu’on a tout ici et maintenant

Le pouvoir tergiverse, transgresse et agresse les libres, créant la détresse, le mal des peurs manipulées par l’état de contrôle des pôles toxiques

Vibrant des abysses des justifications, ils épuisent la source

Mais nous reprendrons le Bâton de Pouvoir.

Write to info@charlesostiguy.com to buy the drawing.

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Dessin abstrait de Charles Ostiguy à l'encre, pastel et numérique

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